Chandra Devam (Aris MD) on X-Ray Vision for Doctors and Engineers

The Guest

Chandra Devam is the co-founder and CEO of Aris MD, a company incorporating conventional scanning technologies and their unique data processing and visualization software to deliver X-Ray vision within AR and VR across a number of medical and industrial use cases.

Chandra is a serial entrepreneur who started her career in telecommunications, and then spent several years at Microsoft, before setting off on her own.

With ArisMD, she rejoins with co-founder Scott Edgar to apply her out-of-the-box thinking and ambitious ideas to AR and VR. She has a passion for building and creating new things the world needs in a way that hasn’t been tried.

As her bio states, she’s been an entrepreneur her whole life and lives in a way that challenges her and the people around her. She leads without ever having to ask people to follow; they just want to see where she will take them next.


Chandra Devam

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The Conversation

In this conversation, Chandra talks about growing up in a silo on a farm with no running water, and how it sparked her imagination and creativity.

She describes the unique approach she and her partner, Scott Edgar, are taking to enhance surgery, as well as industrial inspections, and ultimately save lives.

Their efforts launched them to the winner’s circle of the 2019 NASA iTech-Cycle I competition, where NASA seeks out the best emerging new technology that will enhance future space exploration and humanity as a whole.

Chandra believes the freshest and best solutions often start with a clean slate with no undue influence of what was done (or not done) in the past.