Steve Sinclair (Mojo Vision) on AR Contact Lenses and Lessons from Handspring, Palm, & Apple’s iPhone

The Guest

Steve Sinclair is the SVP of product at Mojo Vision, a company enabling invisible computing with their AR contact lenses.

Steve has an amazing background in the product development and product marketing of personal computing technologies throughout the smartphone revolution. He worked at Handspring, Palm, Apple’s iPhone team, which he joined in 2007, as well as at HP and the Motorola division at Google, which was then sold to Lenovo.

He brings 20 plus years of insight to Mojo Vision, which imagines a world where information is there when you need it, and then technology fades away when you don’t so you can connect with others without distraction.

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Steve Sinclair

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Mojo Vision

The Conversation

In this conversation, we dig into the details of Mojo Vision’s technology-infused contact lenses, including the underlying technology and how it works.

He talks about Mojo’s initial use case around helping the visually impaired, as well as other types of experiences that make sense in the early days of wearable displays.

We go on to dip into Steve’s history to extract some of the lessons he’s learned at the dawn of the smartphone era and discuss how they might apply to spatial computing.